Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Phew! We are making progress!

I have posted my revised action research plan!!! After reading our assigned text, viewing the videos on Epic, reading blogs and discussion boards, and conferencing with my site supervisor, I have made several changes to the action research plan. Specifically, the plan is no longer so broad. I had to be realistic with the time I have to offer to this research plan and my available resources. Please take a look and let me know what you think! I need some more action on this blog! :)

Revised Action Research Plan - March 27th


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Week 2 - The Wheels are Turning

After learning about the benefits of action research plans last week, the wheels in my head have been turning trying to sort through the problems that we face as educators in our schools. My action research plan has changed countless times as a result of this. This week's assignments have helped me understand that it is in fact a good thing to think broadly first before narrowing down your action research study. I have decided to investigate the effects of mentoring programs on at risk youth. I feel that my action research plan has purpose and significance which are two important criteria for selecting an action research project. I have always believed that building positive relationships with students directly correlates to their achievement. I hope to gain a better understanding of mentoring programs, and I am excited to talk to students about their experiences in mentoring programs.  

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Blogs are COOL!

Blogging allows educational leaders to capture their ideas and thoughts about an educational concept. A candid snapshot of their questions, concerns, and successes are documented so that they can retrieve them at any time in the future. Links to related articles, blogs, and/or information can be inserted as well as pictures. Blogs also allow for colleagues or other people interested in the topic to provide feedback. The popularity of blogs and online social networks have provided a new way for people to connect and communicate. As educators, we must move forward with these innovative means for sharing information.

Action Research in Action!

After reading the assigned text this week, I realize that action research is a vital component for implementing effective change in schools. As future administrators, we must make time to collaborate and communicate with faculty members in order to assess the effectiveness of their teaching and learning. It is also important to take a step back and be introspective regarding your own practices. Action research empowers teachers to take ownership of the happenings in their classroom, it promotes lifelong learning within the community of professionals at your campus, and most importantly it allows you to adjust your practices to maximize student learning. As a future administrator, I foresee implementing action research with my leadership cabinet at the beginning of my term. I would create buy in with my support team first and let it trickle down to the staff via department meetings and team planning after experimenting with my leadership cabinet. Action research has the power to tell us where we've been and where we're going as a campus. Although it takes time and requires much planning, the benefits of action research will ultimately reduce many stressors that administrators have to face when instruction is not purposeful and effective. Meaningful learning taking place in the classroom results in satisfied teachers and engaged students.